Sunday, September 19, 2010
Geological Description of Mountains in the Holy Qur'an
By: Mahdi La'liTehran,
IranWhatever Quran describes about mountains may seem simple at the first glance, but the matter of fact is that each one indicates a wonderful geological fact.The earth speeds through space at 29.8 km per second (18.5 miles per second) _75 times faster than Concorde. None of this movement makes us feel dizzy. We seem to stay still while everything else seems to move around us.What is really the reason of this phenomenon? Why do we not feel dizzy in this moving cradle? We can find the answer in the first verse:-...and (Allah) hath cast into the earth firm hills, so that it quake not with you 1. Chapter31: verse10True! The firm mountains prevent the earth from being shaken, so that we do not feel dizzy, although the earth is moving through space at such an incredible speed.In this verse, the word “Rawaasia” is the plural of the noun ”Rasiah” which literally means “ Firm”, “Stable” and ”The Anchor”2. Needless to say, the function of anchor is “to fix” or “to prevent the boat from moving away” 3. Interestingly enough, according to the scientists, the mountains play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth 4.This characteristic of earth is also a wonderful similitude to a cradle in the other verse. A cradle is continuously shaken by the kind-hearted mother but the baby inside, not only does not feel dizzy but also this gentle motion dedicates the child a tranquility by which he or she goes to a nice sleep:-Have We not made the earth as a cradle 5? Chapter78: verse6This tranquility, which we feel in the cradle of the earth, is a direct effect of the mountains. Some other points in the verses above should also attract our full attention:a) The mountains resemble the pegs, which hold the land (Because the pegs are utilized to prevent things from being scattered).b) There is a relationship between the mountains and water supplies, since the subject of drinkable water is mentioned immediately after the word "mountains" in the other verse, presupposes a close relation between these two subjects.Each of these points are all assumed to be miraculous and scientific aspect of Holy Quran, leads us to the majesty of this divine book and makes us acquainted with its deep contexts.To achieve certainty regarding the authenticity of the miraculous aspects of the preceded verses, we have provided you the following scientific passage.
Scientific ViewpointMountains, the Skeleton of EarthMountains act actually like the steel armor, which have surrounded the earth. Since they connect to each other in beneath, they form a strong network.If the crust of the earth were formed of only a soft and fine layer like soil and sand, would be indeed affected by the moon's gravity and would cause the tides- like what happens in the seas- so, it would always be in disturbance, worse than the earthquakes. In that case, we would not feel this tranquility that we have now in our lives.Further more, this firm crust and steel armor can control the inner pressurized molten materials, which want to rip up the earth’s crust and get out of it. If there were not the mountains, the earth face would definitely seem differently.According to these facts about the mountains, do they not actually act like the earth's pegs; and prevent it from being disturbed?Mountains, the mighty clawsThe atmosphere's accumulation exerts a pressure of 1 kg per centimeter. Its total weight comes to 6 million billion tons.Now guess what would happen, if the earth spun at a speed of 30 kg/min, while the air around itself was stagnant. A great deal of heat energy would be generated by the collision of the air molecules with the earth’s surface potentially burning anything on it. Fortunately, the earth's low lands and elevations, especially the mountains have solved this great problem. They claw at the air and move it gradually within themselves, like the clock's gears. Consequently, this thick layer of air circulates along with earth, especially adjacent to the surface. This is also a kind of tranquility, dedicated to humankind by the mountains.Mountains, the regulators of the windsAs we know, the winds blow permanently, from the poles to the equator and from equator to the poles, because of the difference of temperatures between them.If these giant barriers of mountains did not control these movements of the winds, the whole surface of earth, like desserts, would permanently be exposed to the annoying storms and killing tempests, so there would not be quietude on earth for human.Mountains, the Natural RefrigeratorsIf there were not mountains, the flowing rivers would not exist on earth. As we know, in high altitudes, the air is much colder and the heat radiation is less than what is on earth. Therefore, a huge amount of water is stored up in the form of snow and natural refrigerators over the mountains and constitutes the permanent and reliable sources of water for the rivers, while melting gradually in the warm seasons.If there were not mountains, the rains would wash out the earth's surface in the form of floodwater, head up for the seas immediately, and the dry lands burn, in the lack of water reservation 6.
Quranic ViewpointAs we mentioned above, according to the geologists, the mountains function as the natural refrigerators in which a huge amount of water is stored up in the form of snow to supply water in the warm seasons.Wonderfully, this is what we perceive in the Quran, considering a relation between mountains and providing the drinkable water and river streams:-And placed therein high mountains and given you to drink sweet water therein 7. Chapter77: verse27Being cognizant that Muhammed (peace be upon him) had never seen a high mountain especially with snow in his whole life in the desert of Arabia, one might feel compelled to admit that these realities are the certain evident for the scientific miracles of the Quran.Sheik Abdul Majid Zendani, a Professor of Islamic Studies in King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia relates from his meeting with the professor Siaveda, one of the best-known marine geologists from Japan and also one of the most famous scientists in the world:“…He differs from other scholars but at the same time, he is a representative of a group of scholars. Professor Siaveda's mind was filled with many distortions and suspicions about all religions. He is right about what he says with regard to all religions, except Islam, because Islam differs from all other religions that he spoke about.When we met him, he said to us: “You scholars of religion all over the world should keep your mouths shut forever”. The doctor most assuredly was a great skeptic of religion.We replied: 'But why Professor? Why?' He said: Because when you speak you cause wars to break out between the people throughout the world. We asked him: 'Why NATO alliance and WARSAW Pact are accumulating such massive nuclear arsenals and nuclear weapons in space, sea, overland, and underground. Why this? Is it for religious reasons?'He went silent then we said to him: 'At any rate we are aware of your attitude towards all religions, but since you do not know much about Islam, then you might as well listen to what we have to say.' So we asked him a number of questions in his area of specialization, and we also informed him of the Quranic verses and ahadeeth (Narration), which mention the phenomena he spoke of. One of these questions was about mountains and whether they were firmly rooted in the earth.He replied and said: "The fundamental difference between continental mountains and the oceanic mountains lies in its material. Continental mountains are made essentially by sediments, whereas the oceanic mountains are made of volcanic rocks. Continental mountains were formed by compressional forces, whereas the oceanic mountains were formed by extensional forces. But the common denominator on both mountains is that they have roots to support the mountains.”He continued: “In the case of continental mountains, light-low density material from the mountain is extended down into the earth as a root. In the case of oceanic mountains, there is also light material supporting the mountain as a root, but in the case of oceanic mountain this material is not light because the composition is light, but it is hot, therefore expanded somewhat. But from the viewpoint of densities, they are doing the same job of supporting the mountains. Therefore, the function of the roots is to support the mountains according to the law of Archimedes".Professor Siaveda described the shape of all mountains whether they are on land or in the sea as being in the shape of a wedge. Could anyone during the time of Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be upon Him) have known of the shape of these mountains? Could anyone imagine that the solid massive mountain that he sees before him actually extends deep into the earth and has a root as scientists assure? A large number of geography books when discussing mountains, only describe that part which is on the surface of the earth. This is because specialists in geology do not write them, but modern science informs us about it and Allah says in the Quran:-and the mountains as pegs 8? Chapter78: verse7We asked Professor Sievada whether the mountains have a function in establishing the crust of the earth. He said that this has not yet been discovered and established by scientists. In view of the reply we researched and inquired about this and we found out that many geologists gave the same reply, except for a few.Among those few are the authors of this book, entitled "The Earth". This book is considered as a basic reference text in many universities throughout the world. One of the authors of this book is Frank Press. He is currently the President of the Academy of Sciences in USA. Previously, he was science advisor to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. What does he say in his book? He illustrates the mountains in a wedge-like shape where the mountain itself is but a small part of the whole whose root is deeply entrenched in the ground. Dr. Press writes on the functions of the mountains and states that they play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth.This is exactly how the Quran described mountains 14 centuries ago. Allah said:-And the mountains Has He firmly fixed. Chapter79: verse32And He said:-And the mountains as pegs. Chapter78: verse7And He also said:-And he has set up on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you. Chapter16: verse15Who could have informed Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be upon Him) about this? We asked Professor Siaveda this question: 'what is your opinion on what you have seen in the Quran and the Sunnah with regard to the secrets of the Universe, which scientists only discovered now?' His answer was: “I think it seems to me very, very mysterious, almost unbelievable. I really think if what you have said is true; the book is really a very remarkable book…”Yes, what can scientists say no matter how skeptical? They cannot attribute the knowledge revealed to Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be upon Him) by Allah and contained in the Quran to human beings or to any scientific authority in our times, because all scientists were unaware of all these secrets. Moreover, not all humanity could have any explanation but to attribute that knowledge to some extra-terrestrial force. Yes, it is a revelation from Allah, which he sent to his servant, the unlettered Prophet Muhammed, whom Allah has made an everlasting sign escorting humanity until the last hour 9.References1. Holy Quran translated by Marmaduke Pickthall, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, Fifth Edition 1969.2. Al-Mawrid, A Modern English-Arabic Dictionary, by Munir Ba’albaki, Dar El-Ilm Lil-Malayen, Beirut, 1986.3. Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge University Press, 1995.4. Earth, Professor Emeritus Frank Press and Siever, p. 435. Also see Earth Science, Tarbuck and Lutgens.5. Holy Quran translated by Arthur J. Arberry, Ansarian Publishers, Qom, the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1999.6. The Quran and the Last Prophet (in Persian language), by ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, Dar al-Kotob Al-Islamiah, Qom, the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1996.7. Holy Quran translated by Arthur J. Arberry, Ansarian Publishers, Qom, the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1999.8. Holy Quran translated by Marmaduke Pickthall, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, Fifth Edition 1969.9. Mountains in Holy Quran,
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