Wednesday, September 29, 2010


One fact about the universe revealed in the verses of the Qur'an
is that the sky is made up of seven layers:

It is He Who created everything on the earth for you
and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular
heavens. He has knowledge of all things. (Qur'an, 2:29)

Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two
days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own
mandate. (Qur'an, 41:11-12)

The word "heavens," which appears in many verses in the Qur'an, is
used to refer to the sky above the Earth, as well as the entire universe. Given
this meaning of the word, it is seen that the Earth's sky, or the atmosphere, is
made up of seven layers.

Today, it is known that the
world's atmosphere consists of different layers that lie on top of each
other.19 Based on the criteria of chemical contents or
air temperature, the definitions made have determined the atmosphere of the
earth as seven layers.20 According
to the "Limited Fine Mesh Model (LFMMII)," a model of atmosphere used to
estimate weather conditions for 48 hours, the atmosphere is also 7 layers.
According to the modern geological definitions the seven layers of atmosphere
are as follows:

1. Troposphere

2. Stratosphere

3. Mesosphere

4. Thermosphere

5. Exosphere

6. Ionosphere

7. Magnetosphere

The Qur'an says, "[He] revealed, in every heaven, its own
," in Surah Fussilat 12. In other words, Allah is stating that
He assigned each heaven its own duty. Truly, as will be seen in following
chapters, each one of these layers has vital duties for the benefit of human
kind and all other living things on the Earth. Each layer has a particular
function, ranging from forming rain to preventing harmful rays, from reflecting
radio waves to averting the harmful effects of meteors.

The verses below inform us about the appearance of the seven
layers of the atmosphere:

Do you not see how He created seven heavens in
layers? (Qur'an, 71:15)

He Who created the seven heavens in layers… (Qur'an,

The atmosphere only lets rays required for life
reach the Earth. For example, ultraviolet rays make it to the world only
partially. This is the most appropriate range to allow plants to make
photosynthesis and eventually for all living things to

The Arabic word "tibaqan" in these verses, translated
into English as "layer" means "layer, the appropriate cover or covering for
something," and thus stresses how the top layer is well suited to the lower. The
word is also used in the plural here: "layers." The sky, described in the verse
as being in layers, is without doubt the most perfect expression of the
atmosphere. It is a great miracle that these facts, which could not possibly be
discovered without the technology of the 20th century, were explicitly stated by
the Qur'an 1,400 years ago.

19. Michael Pidwirny, “Atmospheric
Layers,” 1996,
20. “Numerical Prediction Models used by NWS,”
Integrated Publishing,

miracles of quran Lack of oxygen at altitude

Another Quran Miracles is in Sura 6, Al-An'am part
8 (125)

"And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to
Islam and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and
constricted, as if he is climping up to the sky. Thus Allah puts the warth on
those who believe not"

"He makes his breast closed and constricted,
as if he is climping up to the sky."

The science has proofed that people
get sick at high altitudes, such as in the mountains. This is called mountain
sickness or high-altitude sickness.

What causes this problem?

of oxygen causes high-altitude sickness. As altitude increases, the air becomes
"thinner," which means less oxygen is in the atmosphere. You get less oxygen in
your lungs with each breath, so the amount of oxygen in your blood declines.
(This is called hypoxia) (hi-POKS'e-ah).

Symptoms usually begin within
48 hours of arriving at high altitude. The higher the altitude, the greater the
effects. People can notice effects when they go to an altitude of 7,000 to 8,000
feet. Some Symptoms that high altitudes causes to people. headaches,
breathlessness, fatigue
nausea or vomiting
inability to sleep

swelling of the face, hands and feet

Both heart rate and breathing
rate increase as the body tries to send more oxygen to its tissues. At very high
altitudes, body fluid can leak into the brain (called brain or cerebral edema)
or into the lungs (pulmonary edema). Both these conditions can be serious or
even life-threatening

This hard conditions that people get at high
altitudes is described in the same symptoms in above ayah



The wise are defined in the Qur'an as: "Those
who listen well to My precepts and follow the best in them are the ones whom
Allah has guided. They are the people of understanding". (Surat az-Zumar: 18)
Allah had rewarded these people with wisdom because, they unfailingly
follow the path Allah has shown them, they carry out the advice of the Qur'an
meticulously, and they clearly abide by their conscience.

Wisdom is a very important factor that opens the doors to many
other beneficial qualities. A wise person displays his uniqueness in every
situation, by his actions, and the things he says, and he elicits great respect
and admiration from those around him. Wisdom is such an important quality, that
it goes on making one more and more superior right to the end of one's life.

The pages to follow will be a reminder of what a blessing wisdom
is by touching on some examples of the superiority conferred by wisdom.


Foremost among the qualities people of wisdom acquire is the
morality of the Qur'an, which opens the paths to many beauties in this world and
the Hereafter. The wise man is one who meticulously practices the morals Allah
lays down in the Qur'an. The Qur'an recommends such moral qualities as honesty,
genuineness, sincerity, modesty, peacefulness, compassion, justness, tolerance,
and forgiveness among many other virtues. And a wise person is successful in
displaying all of these qualities in the best possible way, in every situation
he or she faces. He knows that the more care he takes in evincing these
qualities, the better Allah will recompense him in the Hereafter.

For this reason, a wise person acts according to his conscience in
situations he faces every day. For example, he helps someone in need without
leaving the responsibility to others. He carries out all the good things he
knows that Allah will approve of, without missing any of them. Or he helps
someone who is trying to carry a heavy object instead of sitting and watching
him. Whenever he sees someone who is elderly or sick on a bus, he prefers to
stand and give his seat to that person. Otherwise he knows that he will be
uncaring and this is something Allah will not approve of. Even when he faces a
situation that angers him, he knows that Allah will prefer him to act with
kindness, so he overcomes his anger and responds to the person concerned with
kind words. He is always honest, even when he knows that it will be of
disadvantage to him.

One, who displays all the above qualities in the best possible way
till the end of his life using the full power of his mind, lives a good life in
this world. Moreover, because he was aiming to please Allah with his behaviour,
he will be rewarded with Heaven are elaborated upon in the following verses:

But as for those who believe and do right
actions, We will not let the wage of good-doers go to waste. They will have
Gardens of Eden with rivers flowing under them. They will be adorned in them
with bracelets made of gold and wear green garments made of the finest silk and
rich brocade, reclining there on couches under canopies. What an excellent
reward! What a wonderful repose! (Surat al-Kahf: 30-31)


Sagacity is the human ability to understand and comprehend things
quickly. Discernment is the ability to recognize the essence of things, to be
foresighted and to have an insight on the truth in its every detail. The source
that provides both these qualities to human beings is their wisdom.

In one of His verses, Allah draws attention to
the importance of discernment and defines people who lack this quality as blind;
"The blind and the seeing are not the same. Nor are those who believe and do
right actions the same as evildoers. What little heed they pay!" (Surah Ghafir:

In another verse in the Quran, the difference between those who
possess this quality through wisdom and those whose sight and comprehension are
blocked is compared as:

Is he who knows that the truth has been sent
down to you from your Lord like him who is blind? It is only people of
understanding who pay heed. (Surat ar-Ra'd: 19)

One who possesses sagacity and discernment has the capability to
analyse an event, a behaviour, or a word in the best possible way. He can draw
the best conclusions from his past experiences and use these in the most
appropriate way for future events. He can cleverly analyse his situation, means,
and the condition he is in and can make the most out of these and use whatever
means he has at hand to the best advantage. Before he undertakes any task, he
takes every possible precaution, foreseeing any future problems, and acts
accordingly. Everything he says is appropriate, his manner entirely composed,
and his thoughts are the product of a clear mind and understanding.

If people of wisdom possess these qualities, it is because they
live out their lives trying to earn Allah's approval and sincerely aiming for
the Hereafter. The Qur'an reminds us that the Prophets sincerely turned towards
the Hereafter and in accordance with the high morals they displayed they were
people of strength and discernment.

And remember Our servants Ibrahim, Ishaq and
Ya'qub, men of true strength and vision. We purified their sincerity through
sincere remembrance of the Hereafter. They shall dwell with Us among the
righteous whom we have chosen. (Surah Sad: 45-47)


Another aspect of wisdom which most people fail to recognize is
its ability to add purpose to one's mannerisms and speech. Most people miss the
point that the actual source of such mannerisms and speech is wisdom. On the
contrary, they think that wisdom is a quality that can be acquired through
education and experience. That is why it is generally thought that the only way
to speak well and persuasively is to memorize rules of influential speech by
taking classes or reading books on how to speak effectively. These books outline
when people should start and stop speaking, when they should laugh, and details
such as these which are supposed to produce effective oratory. They believe that
people can be successful speakers in relation to how well they follow these

However, it is definitely not possible to bind effective speaking
to any rules. On the contrary, truly effective speaking is not linked to any
rules and is not memorized, rather it is a "sincere speech", which comes from
the heart, without any difficulties, and without artificiality. And only people
of wisdom possess this type of perfection in speech. The one who speaks with
wisdom leaves a deep impression on the hearts of his listeners with the
sincerity of his words.

One who is far from religion can make a good speech on a topic
within his area of expertise with proper emphasis and by following the rules of
speech. However, we shouldn't forget that the qualities mentioned do not reflect
any wisdom in this speech. For a speech have wisdom, it has to be sincere and
leave a deep impression on the hearts of the listeners. A wise person is someone
who can explain what he wants in the most genuine and sincere way, with the most
striking examples. In one verse, Allah points out the importance of wisdom by
stating that He has given this quality to the Prophet Dawud (as):

We made his kingdom strong and gave him wisdom
and decisive speech. (Surah Sad: 20)

As is seen in the verse, along with giving wisdom as a virtue,
"decisive speech" is also mentioned. To attain such a blessing one doesn't need
to have any special talent or expend any extraordinary effort. It is given by
Allah to those who have faith and are sincere.

However, wisdom is not something that manifests itself only in
speech. It is evinced also in a wise person's mannerisms and decisions, and in
the analyses he makes. It is declared in the Qur'an that this important superior
quality is given to many of the Prophets:

They are the ones to whom We gave the Book,
Judgement and Prophethood... (Surat al-An'am: 89)

And with Allah's permission they routed them.
Dawud killed Talut and Allah gave him kingship and wisdom and taught him
whatever He willed... (Surat al-Baqara: 251)

"Yahya, take hold of the Book with vigour." We
gave him judgement while still a child. (Surah Maryam: 12)

In other verses of the Quran, it is stated that Allah can give
wisdom and insight to whomever He wills:

He gives wisdom to whomever He wills and he
who has been given wisdom has been given great good. But no one pays heed but
people of understanding. (Surat al-Baqara: 269)

From all these verses we can understand that
this great blessing, given to a responsive person, brings about "strength of
expression" and with it the "ability to persuade". A believer takes the
opportunity to explain the true religion and morals of the Qur'an in the best
possible way, with the qualities of wisdom, decisive speech, and apt expression,
as Allah advises: "Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition,
and argue with them in the kindest way..." (Surat an-Nahl: 125)


Another important quality wisdom brings with it is the ability to
"analyse things". Anyone can recognize and make comments on any given thing.
However, of where people of wisdom excel is in their recognition always being
appropriate and their ability to see details which others cannot. The secret of
this appropriateness and fine recognition ability is that believers use the
Qur'an as their guide and use their wisdom toward its ends. The Qur'an is
Allah's just book. As a consequence, people who obey the Qur'an will definitely
tread the most righteous path.

This ability of wise people makes for superiority and ease in
every part of their lives. Above all else, they can analyse in detail the
character of the people they meet. As a result they can easily determine their
friends and enemies. By taking the characters Allah introduces in the Qur'an as
their guide, they can understand others' characters in a very short period.
Moreover, their ability to realize at the outset which events are in their
favour and take precautions accordingly is a great advantage to them. Also, it
is those with wisdom who can appreciate the beauties of the people around them,
the details of which generally go unappreciated and the signs of wisdom they

Another important quality of wise people that merit attention, is
that they do not need to make lengthy observations or gather detailed
information before making correct assumptions. A wise person's chief quality is
his ability to arrive at correct conclusions with as little evidence as is
needed and in the briefest possible time.

A wise person can determine whether a person is lying by his
mannerisms at that time, by inconsistencies in his speech, by his efforts to
explain the situation in detail, by his restless behaviour, and many other
factors depending on the situation. A person lacking wisdom will fully trust a
person who is lying and even talk about his honesty. Because of this, he can go
into a partnership with the dishonest person and suffer materially and
spiritually as a consequence.

The reason why people lacking wisdom draw wrong conclusions and
make wrong decisions under the same circumstances is that they don't follow the
Qur'an's teachings. Allah therefore draws attention to the fact that only the
wise can see and comprehend the examples given in the Qur'an and reminds us that
people who know and who don't know are not the same:

Such metaphors-We devise them for mankind; but
only those with knowledge understand them. (Surat al-'Ankabut: 43)

What of him who spends the night hours in
prayer, prostrating himself and standing up, mindful of the Hereafter, hoping
for the mercy of his Lord? Say: "Are they the same-those who know and those who
do not know?" It is only people of understanding who pay heed. (Surat az-Zumar:


In the Qur'an, Allah reminds people to heed Him and draws their
attention to various topics:

Everything in the heavens and on the earth
belongs to Allah. He knows what you are engaged upon. On the Day when they are
returned to Him, He will inform them of what they did. Allah has knowledge of
all things. (Surat an-Nur: 64)

What! Are they in doubt about the meeting with
their Lord? What! Does He not encompass all things? (Surah Fussilat: 54)

Have they looked at the sky above them:how We
structured it and made it beautiful and how there are no fissures in it? And the
earth:how We stretched it out and cast firmly embedded mountains onto it and
caused luxuriant plants of every kind to grow in it, thus offering an insight
and a reminder unto every human being who turns to Allah. (Surah Qaf: 6-8)

As the above verses recall, Allah advises people to apply their
minds to thinking clearly, analyzing situations rightly, and thus seeing
realities. However, it shouldn't be forgotten that the ability to focus our
attention as mentioned in the Qur'an is a quality evinced only by people of
wisdom. We are told in the Qur'an that only the wise reflect on and take the
advice of the teachings of the Qur'an:

… But only people of understanding pay heed.
(Surah Al 'Imran: 7)

It is a Book We have sent down to you, full of
blessing, so let people of understanding ponder upon its Signs and take heed.
(Surah Sad: 29)

So, people of wisdom who focus their attention as the Qur'an
instructs can see the whole of reality. They grasp primarily that there is no
god other than Allah, that He is the owner of the whole universe, and that the
Hereafter is a definite reality.

As we dwelt upon previously, a clear conscience and close
attention manifest themselves at all times in a wise person's life. Knowing that
Allah created everything for a reason, that everything they experience and every
utterance they hear are parts of the test created for them, and that they're
responsible for all the things they're faced with, sharpens their attention. As
a result, they can sense a developing threat in their environment and take the
appropriate measures before anyone else. In the same way, they can instantly
determine a positive development by paying close attention.

It is true that intelligence also provides people with a certain
superior awareness. But the difference made by wisdom in this case is that it
notices details that intelligence can't distinguish and this gives the
opportunity to analyse, take precautions, and make timely decisions. For
example, an intelligent and alert person will realize that there is a burglar in
his house by paying attention to the sounds coming from the basement. A wise
person, on the other hand, is one who will take definite precautions and bring
lasting solutions to the possibility of a burglary before the situation develops
to this extent. He will have thought about all the alternatives to the
possibility of a burglar entering and worked extensively on this issue. For
example, he will set up a sophisticated security system that will definitely
prevent a stranger from entering the house.

So, this is the ideal type of attention one should be capable of.
A wise person does not just cope with a dangerous situation as it's happening.
He takes precautions before the danger begins to develop, before he faces such a
situation, even where many of the relevant factors are not immediately obvious.
After he has determined these actual dangers, he takes definite precautions in
order not to be subjected to them.


A wise person knows that all creatures alive or not, submit to
Allah and nothing ever happens in this universe without His permission. His
submission to and the trust he reposes in Allah enable him to be fearless of
anyone or anything except Allah and thus enables him to develop a strong
personality. Because he knows that Allah controls everything, his behaviour
towards others or in different situations does not change. As he strives to earn
Allah's approval and not that of other people, he doesn't ever make a concession
in his personality, behaviour, and morals for any personal benefit.

However, we should remember that the true meaning of a "strong
personality" is actually different from the way it is used in ignorant circles.
People far from religion, believe that the only way to build up the personality
is through arrogance, formality, and gravity. They think that the more a person
makes his difference from and superiority over others felt by those around him,
the greater the personality he has. However, this kind of conduct does not
denote a strong inner personality but is rather aimed at hoodwinking others and
projecting "an image" of an individual with a great personality to those around

Real personality has nothing to do with pride, gravity, formality,
or outward appearances. According to the Qur'an, a strong personality indicates
one's fear of Allah and as a result of this, shows determination in living by
the morals of the Qur'an. One with strength of personality never compromises
upon the truths told to him by Allah for any reason or for any worldly gain, and
never condescends to crude or unpleasant behaviour. So, these are the qualities
that give a person a real personality and people who are steadfast in
maintaining these qualities are people of wisdom. People of wisdom who never
stray from the right path are given this good news in the Qur'an:

The angels descend on those who say, "Our Lord
is Allah", and then take the right path to Him. They say: "Do not fear and do
not grieve but rejoice in the Garden [i.e., Paradise] you have been promised."
(Surah Fussilat: 30)


You who believe! You are only responsible for
yourselves. The misguided cannot harm you as long as you are guided. All of you
will return to Allah and He will inform you about what you were doing. (Surat
al-Ma'ida: 105)

In this verse Allah informs the believers of a very important
reality: unbelievers cannot misguide believers.

The right path can be reached only by those who have faith and who
follow the teachings of the Qur'an. Because such people always take the
teachings of the Qur'an as their guide and live their lives accordingly, they
always receive Allah's help and support in return. Allah helps believers and has
promised to help those who help his religion:

… Allah will certainly help those who help
Him-Allah is Powerful, Almighty. (Surat al-Hajj: 40)

Allah explains in another verse, that He helps and supports those
that believe in Him sincerely and that He makes things easier for them:

As for him who gives [generously], performs
his duty and acts charitably in the finest manner, We shall facilitate an easy
way for him. (Surat al-Layl:5-7)

... Whoever heeds Allah-He will make matters
easy for him. (Surat al-Talaq:4)

Those who seek the protection of Allah, His
Messenger and the faithful must know that it is Allah's followers who are
victorious! (Surat al-Ma'ida: 56)

In Surat al-Anbiya', Allah points out that the truth and justness
always wins over falsehood. This is why, people of wisdom who follow the right
path always win against those who hide behind falsehood. Allah tells us this

We hurl the truth against falsehood and it
cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away!...

(Surat al-Anbiya': 18)

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Great Cyrus in Holy Quran

Cyrus was the greatest Persian Emperor and a righteous human
being. At the time of victory, he was Zol-qarnain  in the Qur'an is  Cyrus the Greatgenerous toward defeated people. Being a freeman, he won the heart of
his people, permitting them to worship their gods. He was extraordinarily
peerless in all over the world. Comparing Cyrus' manner with Semi's rulers, one
feels great pleasure for the Persian liberality and generosity and truly regards
the Persian as the instructor of human race.
Much information, concerning the
historical figure renowned, among Western people, for virtue and humanity
emanates from two reliable sources, the Bible and Herodotus written in 5th Cent.
BC. It is proclaimed that Cyrus was the first legislative who issued a number of
principles in terms of human rights.
Having defeated the Medes, he founded
Achaemenid dynasty as the first Persian Emperor. Based on some narratives of the
Old Testament, Cyrus captured Babel, with the aid of God, set free the Jewish
detainees and let them go back to Jerusalem.
Some interpreters believe that
in Quran, Zol-gharnein refers to "Alexander the Great", while some others,
comparing some verses of Quran pertinent to Zol-gharnein and Cyrus' life story,
assume that God meant "Cyrus the Great" and no one else.
In the holy Qur'an,
there are 16 verses in the Kahf Sureh (verses 83-98) that talk about Zol-qarnain
and some aspects of his personality. Zol-qarnain of the holy Qur'an is NOT
Alexander the Great. It is Cyrus the Great, the famous Persian king of
the Achamenid Dynasty (580-529BC). Consider the following:

1- Alexander was not a monotheistic man. He was a
blasphemer who worshipped the many gods of Ancient Greece. The Biography
of Alexander, written by a famous Greek historian (Herodotus) states that
Alexander believed that he was the son of Zeus! The Qur'an's
Zol-qarnain was God-revering and a monotheist, and so was Cyrus. As the
most probable date for the appearance of Zoroaster is in the mid-sixth century
B.C., this date is close to the time Cyrus lived.
2- Cyrus is mentioned
in the Old Testament and the Book of Ezra as a God-revering person, a
description that matched the qualities of Zol-qarnain in the Qur'an.

3- The deeds of the Achaemenian king were in accordance to the deeds
described in the Qur'an, as he fought with the Lydians in Asia Minor and then
with the Sakas in the east (unlike Alexander the Great).
4- The Koranic
verses in the 'AL KAHF' sura, which talk about Zol-qarnain, begin with the
words: "And they ask you about Zol-qarnain..". Meaning that
the Jews are asking the Prophet Muhammad about him. This means that this
king was known to the Jews, and is mentioned in the Old Testament. Alexander the
Great is not mentioned in the Old Testament, nor did he have any close relation
with the Jews.
5- Zol-qarnain in the Qur'an is said to have built
a barrier of copper and iron after fighting the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj people.
Cyrus built a similar barrier in the Daryal Pass, the remains of which are still
6- "qarn" in Arabic has two meanings: "horn" and
"century". " Zol-qarnain " could literally mean in Arabic: "The man of two
horns" or "The man of two centuries". This "one word having multiple
meanings" but Cyrus Relief, in Pasargadae shows The man of two
7- Cyrus is a personality mentioned in the Bible, i.e the Old
Testament (the Book of Daniel, the Book of Ezra and some other books where Cyrus
is referred to in very explicit terms: Daniel dreamt that in the palace of Susa
in Elam, a two-horned ram triumphed over all animals, with the exception of a
one-horned goat that finally defeated the ram. Daniel lost consciousness after
this dream and an angel appeared to him, saying that the ram he had seen was the
king of the Medes and the Persians, while the one-horned goat was the king of
the Greeks) (Book of Daniel, chapter 8, verses 20-21).
Zol-gharnein was a
merciful king who was kind to inferiors which is true of Cyrus the
to the extent that even his enemies revered him. He
was the one who issued the Charter of Liberty and Human Rights in Babel.

Cyrus Relief, in Pasargadae

One of the truly astounding prophecies of the Bible is found in
the last verse of Isaiah 44, together with chapter 45:1ff, (an unfortunate
chapter break). It has to do with Cyrus, king of Persia. According to the
historian Herodotus (i.46), Cyrus was the son of Cambyses I. He came to the
Persian throne in 559 B.C. Nine years later he conquered the Medes, thus
unifying the kingdoms of the Medes and the Persians.

Cyrus is mentioned some 23 times in the literature of the Old
Testament. Isaiah refers to Cyrus as Jehovah�s �shepherd,� the Lord�s
�anointed,� who was providentially appointed to facilitate the divine plan. God
would lead this monarch to �subdue nations� and �open doors� (an allusion to the
Jews� release from Babylonian captivity). He would make �rough places smooth,�
i.e., accommodate the Hebrews� return to their Palestinean homeland. He would
ultimately be responsible for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the reconstruction
of the temple.

Amazingly, the king would accomplish these noble tasks even though
he did not �know� Jehovah (45:4,5). In other words, though he was a pagan in
sentiment and practice, yet, as an unconscious tool in the hands of the Lord, he
would contribute mightily to the Jewish cause, and so, indirectly, to the coming
of God�s greater Anointed, Jesus of Nazareth.

The fulfillment of these plain and specific predictions is set
forth in 2 Chronicles 36:22,23 and Ezra 1:1-4,7,8; 3:7; 4:3. The Encyclopedia
Britannica, an unlikely source, acknowledges that �in 538 [B.C.] Cyrus granted
to the Jews, whom Nebuchadressar had transported to Babylonia, the return to
Palestine and the rebuilding of Jerusalem and its temple� (Vol. 6, 1958, p.

H.G. Wells, in his book, The Outline of History, concedes that the
Jews �returned to their city, Jerusalem� and �rebuilt their temple there under
the auspices of Cyrus,� the Persian monarch (1931, p. 253).

What many people do not realize in reading Isaiah 44:28ff is that
this heathen ruler was named by the prophet long before the monarch was even
born. Isaiah prophesied in the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah
(1:1). His ministry thus occurred in the latter portion of the 8th century B.C.
(ca. 740-701 B.C.). This was some one hundred fifty years before Cyrus came to
the throne!

Incredible declarations of this nature have led critics (who
reject the possibility of predictive prophecy) to suggest that these portions of
the book of Isaiah were added much later � after the fact, as it were. A popular
reference work states:

�Because the book of Isaiah includes prophecies concerning
events during and after the Exile, critical scholars generally attribute
portions of the book to one, two, or more prophets in addition to Isaiah (esp.
Deutero-Isaiah, chs. 40-55; Trito-Isaiah, chs. 56-66)� (The Eerdmans Bible
Dictionary, 1987, p. 531).
Here is an example of how the liberal viewpoint
is reflected even by a professor in a Christian university. In discussing the
promises set forth in Isaiah 44:26-28, John T. Willis of Abilene Christian
University says:

�All of these promises assume that Jerusalem and the cities of
Judah have been razed, that the temple is no longer standing, that Cyrus is on
the scene and swiftly growing in power, and that the return of the exiles is
imminent� (Isaiah, p. 380).
If such is the case, then this material could
not possibly have been written by the prophet Isaiah since he died long before
these events transpired. The author, in spite of his claim of a conservative
approach to the book (p. 31), clearly reflects his opinion that this portion of
the book of Isaiah was authored by a writer of the 6th century B.C. (cf. p.

Against such a viewpoint we have the assurance of scripture
itself. Earlier, in 41:25ff, Isaiah had spoken of the coming of �one . . . from
the rising of the sun.� Though not called by name, the allusion is clearly to
Cyrus, who would bring good tidings regarding Jerusalem.

In 41:26, Isaiah makes it plain that the mission of Cyrus was a
matter of prophecy, not educated speculation. It is a reflection of compromised
faith to postulate a late date for these prophecies.

Finally, as an interesting sidelight, we note that Josephus, the
Jewish historian, states that the Jews in Babylonian captivity showed Cyrus the
prophecies of the Old Testament Scriptures which contain his name and described
his role in the scheme of God. The historian says that it was this circumstance
that motivated the ruler �to fulfill what was written� (Antiquities 11.1.2), and
thus to issue his edict permitting Israel�s return to her homeland.

Cyrus Cylinde

Excavations at Babylon (1879-82) led to the discovery of a clay
barrel, known as the Cyrus Cylinder, which contained a marvelous
historical confirmation of the biblical narrative. It portrays the benevolent
policies of Cyrus in the following fashion: �All of their peoples I gathered
together and restored to their dwelling-places� (see: Ira M. Price, The
Monuments and the Old Testament, 1899-1907, p. 234).

Predictive prophecy is a compelling evidence for the divine origin
of the Holy Scriptures

Monday, September 27, 2010

Why God is beautiful and loves beauty?

Why God is beautiful and loves beauty?

Beauty of the natural world

Without a moment think how this may be random and all the beauty of evolution is occurring?

Saturday, September 25, 2010


1- When the earth is severely quaked.
2- And the earth throws
out its heavy burdens.
3- And man enquires, “What has come over it?”
On that day, it will tell its information.
99-The Earthquake,

The Arabic word “zilzal” means “earthquake.” The above
verses are quoted from the sura The Earthquake. These verses are believed to
refer justifiably to the earthquake expected to occur in the end of the world;
however, we should take due notice of its wider sense, depicting earthquakes in
general. The fourth verse announces that men will be informed on that day. A
terrible disaster like an earthquake associates in one’s mind destruction in the
first place causing material damage and bodily injury, leading to a general
terror and panic. This announcement must have astounded the public.

establish a link between earthquakes and knowledge of certain facts seemed
inconceivable to people up until the last century. Today we have a great many
data in our possession regarding the ground beneath our feet, thanks to
earthquakes. The shortest radius we could draw from where we might be to the
center of the earth is longer than 6000 km, a distance we can never cover. Yes,
an earthquake provides information about that portion of the earth inaccessible
to us. (During the earthquake to take place at the end of the world, it is
possible that men will be further enlightened on subjects beyond His prediction.
We certainly do not assert that the verse’s meaning is limited to our


The second verse of the sura Earthquake is interesting in that it
refers to the burdens of the earth. Years have gone by and men have failed to
understand what those burdens might be. The widely accepted interpretation was
that the sura referred to the earthquake that was going to take place at the end
of the world when the dead would be resurrected and treasures hidden underground
would rise to the surface. No one could have guessed that the ground beneath was
formed of dense and heavy matter that would rise to the surface. References to
earthquakes in the Quran contribute to our better appreciation of them. Let us
not forget that people believed at the time that the earth rested on the horns
of an ox or on a fish whose tail, when it moved, produced earthquakes (The
commentary of Ibn Kethir is an example). The fact that the Quran made no
reference to such false beliefs is another indication of its miraculous

The more we know about the contents of the Quran and about
the universe, the more we appreciate God’s artistry and the perfection of his

9- Say: “Are those who know equal to those who do not
know? Only men of understanding take heed.”

39-The Throngs,

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Miracle of Breathing - Harun Yahya

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Geological Description of Mountains in the Holy Qur'an

By: Mahdi La'liTehran,
IranWhatever Quran describes about mountains may seem simple at the first glance, but the matter of fact is that each one indicates a wonderful geological fact.The earth speeds through space at 29.8 km per second (18.5 miles per second) _75 times faster than Concorde. None of this movement makes us feel dizzy. We seem to stay still while everything else seems to move around us.What is really the reason of this phenomenon? Why do we not feel dizzy in this moving cradle? We can find the answer in the first verse:-...and (Allah) hath cast into the earth firm hills, so that it quake not with you 1. Chapter31: verse10True! The firm mountains prevent the earth from being shaken, so that we do not feel dizzy, although the earth is moving through space at such an incredible speed.In this verse, the word “Rawaasia” is the plural of the noun ”Rasiah” which literally means “ Firm”, “Stable” and ”The Anchor”2. Needless to say, the function of anchor is “to fix” or “to prevent the boat from moving away” 3. Interestingly enough, according to the scientists, the mountains play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth 4.This characteristic of earth is also a wonderful similitude to a cradle in the other verse. A cradle is continuously shaken by the kind-hearted mother but the baby inside, not only does not feel dizzy but also this gentle motion dedicates the child a tranquility by which he or she goes to a nice sleep:-Have We not made the earth as a cradle 5? Chapter78: verse6This tranquility, which we feel in the cradle of the earth, is a direct effect of the mountains. Some other points in the verses above should also attract our full attention:a) The mountains resemble the pegs, which hold the land (Because the pegs are utilized to prevent things from being scattered).b) There is a relationship between the mountains and water supplies, since the subject of drinkable water is mentioned immediately after the word "mountains" in the other verse, presupposes a close relation between these two subjects.Each of these points are all assumed to be miraculous and scientific aspect of Holy Quran, leads us to the majesty of this divine book and makes us acquainted with its deep contexts.To achieve certainty regarding the authenticity of the miraculous aspects of the preceded verses, we have provided you the following scientific passage.
Scientific ViewpointMountains, the Skeleton of EarthMountains act actually like the steel armor, which have surrounded the earth. Since they connect to each other in beneath, they form a strong network.If the crust of the earth were formed of only a soft and fine layer like soil and sand, would be indeed affected by the moon's gravity and would cause the tides- like what happens in the seas- so, it would always be in disturbance, worse than the earthquakes. In that case, we would not feel this tranquility that we have now in our lives.Further more, this firm crust and steel armor can control the inner pressurized molten materials, which want to rip up the earth’s crust and get out of it. If there were not the mountains, the earth face would definitely seem differently.According to these facts about the mountains, do they not actually act like the earth's pegs; and prevent it from being disturbed?Mountains, the mighty clawsThe atmosphere's accumulation exerts a pressure of 1 kg per centimeter. Its total weight comes to 6 million billion tons.Now guess what would happen, if the earth spun at a speed of 30 kg/min, while the air around itself was stagnant. A great deal of heat energy would be generated by the collision of the air molecules with the earth’s surface potentially burning anything on it. Fortunately, the earth's low lands and elevations, especially the mountains have solved this great problem. They claw at the air and move it gradually within themselves, like the clock's gears. Consequently, this thick layer of air circulates along with earth, especially adjacent to the surface. This is also a kind of tranquility, dedicated to humankind by the mountains.Mountains, the regulators of the windsAs we know, the winds blow permanently, from the poles to the equator and from equator to the poles, because of the difference of temperatures between them.If these giant barriers of mountains did not control these movements of the winds, the whole surface of earth, like desserts, would permanently be exposed to the annoying storms and killing tempests, so there would not be quietude on earth for human.Mountains, the Natural RefrigeratorsIf there were not mountains, the flowing rivers would not exist on earth. As we know, in high altitudes, the air is much colder and the heat radiation is less than what is on earth. Therefore, a huge amount of water is stored up in the form of snow and natural refrigerators over the mountains and constitutes the permanent and reliable sources of water for the rivers, while melting gradually in the warm seasons.If there were not mountains, the rains would wash out the earth's surface in the form of floodwater, head up for the seas immediately, and the dry lands burn, in the lack of water reservation 6.
Quranic ViewpointAs we mentioned above, according to the geologists, the mountains function as the natural refrigerators in which a huge amount of water is stored up in the form of snow to supply water in the warm seasons.Wonderfully, this is what we perceive in the Quran, considering a relation between mountains and providing the drinkable water and river streams:-And placed therein high mountains and given you to drink sweet water therein 7. Chapter77: verse27Being cognizant that Muhammed (peace be upon him) had never seen a high mountain especially with snow in his whole life in the desert of Arabia, one might feel compelled to admit that these realities are the certain evident for the scientific miracles of the Quran.Sheik Abdul Majid Zendani, a Professor of Islamic Studies in King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia relates from his meeting with the professor Siaveda, one of the best-known marine geologists from Japan and also one of the most famous scientists in the world:“…He differs from other scholars but at the same time, he is a representative of a group of scholars. Professor Siaveda's mind was filled with many distortions and suspicions about all religions. He is right about what he says with regard to all religions, except Islam, because Islam differs from all other religions that he spoke about.When we met him, he said to us: “You scholars of religion all over the world should keep your mouths shut forever”. The doctor most assuredly was a great skeptic of religion.We replied: 'But why Professor? Why?' He said: Because when you speak you cause wars to break out between the people throughout the world. We asked him: 'Why NATO alliance and WARSAW Pact are accumulating such massive nuclear arsenals and nuclear weapons in space, sea, overland, and underground. Why this? Is it for religious reasons?'He went silent then we said to him: 'At any rate we are aware of your attitude towards all religions, but since you do not know much about Islam, then you might as well listen to what we have to say.' So we asked him a number of questions in his area of specialization, and we also informed him of the Quranic verses and ahadeeth (Narration), which mention the phenomena he spoke of. One of these questions was about mountains and whether they were firmly rooted in the earth.He replied and said: "The fundamental difference between continental mountains and the oceanic mountains lies in its material. Continental mountains are made essentially by sediments, whereas the oceanic mountains are made of volcanic rocks. Continental mountains were formed by compressional forces, whereas the oceanic mountains were formed by extensional forces. But the common denominator on both mountains is that they have roots to support the mountains.”He continued: “In the case of continental mountains, light-low density material from the mountain is extended down into the earth as a root. In the case of oceanic mountains, there is also light material supporting the mountain as a root, but in the case of oceanic mountain this material is not light because the composition is light, but it is hot, therefore expanded somewhat. But from the viewpoint of densities, they are doing the same job of supporting the mountains. Therefore, the function of the roots is to support the mountains according to the law of Archimedes".Professor Siaveda described the shape of all mountains whether they are on land or in the sea as being in the shape of a wedge. Could anyone during the time of Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be upon Him) have known of the shape of these mountains? Could anyone imagine that the solid massive mountain that he sees before him actually extends deep into the earth and has a root as scientists assure? A large number of geography books when discussing mountains, only describe that part which is on the surface of the earth. This is because specialists in geology do not write them, but modern science informs us about it and Allah says in the Quran:-and the mountains as pegs 8? Chapter78: verse7We asked Professor Sievada whether the mountains have a function in establishing the crust of the earth. He said that this has not yet been discovered and established by scientists. In view of the reply we researched and inquired about this and we found out that many geologists gave the same reply, except for a few.Among those few are the authors of this book, entitled "The Earth". This book is considered as a basic reference text in many universities throughout the world. One of the authors of this book is Frank Press. He is currently the President of the Academy of Sciences in USA. Previously, he was science advisor to former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. What does he say in his book? He illustrates the mountains in a wedge-like shape where the mountain itself is but a small part of the whole whose root is deeply entrenched in the ground. Dr. Press writes on the functions of the mountains and states that they play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth.This is exactly how the Quran described mountains 14 centuries ago. Allah said:-And the mountains Has He firmly fixed. Chapter79: verse32And He said:-And the mountains as pegs. Chapter78: verse7And He also said:-And he has set up on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you. Chapter16: verse15Who could have informed Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be upon Him) about this? We asked Professor Siaveda this question: 'what is your opinion on what you have seen in the Quran and the Sunnah with regard to the secrets of the Universe, which scientists only discovered now?' His answer was: “I think it seems to me very, very mysterious, almost unbelievable. I really think if what you have said is true; the book is really a very remarkable book…”Yes, what can scientists say no matter how skeptical? They cannot attribute the knowledge revealed to Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be upon Him) by Allah and contained in the Quran to human beings or to any scientific authority in our times, because all scientists were unaware of all these secrets. Moreover, not all humanity could have any explanation but to attribute that knowledge to some extra-terrestrial force. Yes, it is a revelation from Allah, which he sent to his servant, the unlettered Prophet Muhammed, whom Allah has made an everlasting sign escorting humanity until the last hour 9.References1. Holy Quran translated by Marmaduke Pickthall, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, Fifth Edition 1969.2. Al-Mawrid, A Modern English-Arabic Dictionary, by Munir Ba’albaki, Dar El-Ilm Lil-Malayen, Beirut, 1986.3. Cambridge International Dictionary of English, Cambridge University Press, 1995.4. Earth, Professor Emeritus Frank Press and Siever, p. 435. Also see Earth Science, Tarbuck and Lutgens.5. Holy Quran translated by Arthur J. Arberry, Ansarian Publishers, Qom, the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1999.6. The Quran and the Last Prophet (in Persian language), by ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, Dar al-Kotob Al-Islamiah, Qom, the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1996.7. Holy Quran translated by Arthur J. Arberry, Ansarian Publishers, Qom, the Islamic Republic of Iran, 1999.8. Holy Quran translated by Marmaduke Pickthall, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, Fifth Edition 1969.9. Mountains in Holy Quran,
http: //

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Movie a bout Miracles of Quran

(A page from the holy
Qur'an, the photo is taken by crystalina)

Miracles of the Qur'an is a great documentary
about the scientific signs in the holy Qur'an the book which had revealed to the
prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 1400 years ago.

To download more
documentaries in a lot of languages see this site: (Great one)

Watch the Documentary Online
(Run Time: 1:05 hour)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Roundness of the Earth in Holy Quran

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

orbits In Holy Quran

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the Splitting Asunder of The Heavens and the Erath

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Expansion of The Universe in Quran


Saturday, September 11, 2010

God is Known Through Reason

The realism in dreams Haroun Yahya

We do not actually speak with anyone in our dreams. We
see no-one, and our eyes are closed. We neither run, nor walk. No monsters
frighten and chase us, no green and spacious lawns spread out before us. There
are no skyscrapers we are scared to look down from or crowds of people. In the
face of all these images, we are, in fact, alone in bed. The loud noises from
the crowds we imagine to be surrounding us, never in fact reach into our silent

When we imagine ourselves to be running very fast, we are not in
fact moving at all. When we imagine ourselves to be having a heated discussion
with someone, we do not in fact even open our mouths. Yet during dreaming, we
experience all these things very vividly. The people around us, our surroundings
and the things we experience are so realistic that we never imagine that these
things are actually part of our dream.

We may even dream of being hit by
a car and receive a very clear impression of the pains that result. We truly
feel the fear we experience as the car approaches, it speeds toward us, and the
moment of impact. We have no doubt as to the reality of these sensations. This
is all experienced solely in our minds. Yet we do not realize that this is the
case. Even if we are told—in the dream—that we are actually dreaming, we
completely discount the possibility and are utterly convinced of the reality of
the dream world we are inhabiting. We have all the same physical experiences as
when we are awake. No evidence might require us to suspect that we are, in fact,

Dreaming is a powerful example demonstrating that the external
world for us is in fact a perception. In the same way that someone dreaming has
no doubt that his surroundings are real, so it is very difficult to be convinced
that the reality of what we refer to as “the real world” is only in our minds.
Yet how we perceive the images we call “real life” is exactly the same as how we
experience dreams. Both images form in the mind. We have no doubt as to the
reality of either set of images as we observe them. Yet we do have proof that
dreams are not real. When we awaken, we say, “It was all just a dream.” So how
can we prove that we are not dreaming at this very moment?

Allah imparts
this truth in His verses:

The Trumpet will be blown and at once
they will be sliding from their graves towards their Lord. They will say, “Alas
for us! Who has raised us from our resting-place? This is what the All-Merciful
promised us. The Messengers were telling the truth.” (Surah Ya Sin,

The proof of this at this moment is the scientifically
imparted evidence. In this case, the moment that we’ll wake up from the dream
will be when we depart from this earthly life. So the right thing to do is to
regard this world as mere illusion for us, as something we experience in the
mind, and behave accordingly.

Réné Descartes describes the realism of
dreams as follows:

I dream of doing this or that, going here or
there; but when I awake I realize that I have done nothing, that I have been
nowhere, but have been lying quietly in bed. Who can guarantee that I am not
dreaming now, or that even my entire life is not a dream?

Never, of course, can we guarantee
that the people around us, or even the life we are experiencing at this moment,
are not a dream. When we dream, we can touch a piece of ice and perceive its
cold wetness and transparency in a perfect form. When we smell a rose, we
perceive its unique scent in an equally flawless manner. The reason is that the
same processes take place in our brains when we really smell a rose or only
dream that we are doing so.

That being so, we can never know when we are
experiencing the true image and perfume of a rose. In fact, we never have direct
experience of a real rose in either case, and in either event. Neither the image
nor the perfume of the rose are anywhere in our brains. Therefore, neither case
represents reality.

If someone is aware that he’s dreaming, he will not
be frightened by a car approaching, will realize that the goods and money he
acquires are transitory, and will harbor no greed for them. He knows that there
is a real world outside the dream one. Therefore, his surroundings are of no
importance or value to anyone who knows he is dreaming.

This also
applies to the period we refer to as “real life.” For someone who knows that
this life is not real, that it is presented merely in the form of perceptions,
nothing he experiences in connection with this “real” world is of any
importance. Just as with dreaming, he is aware of the false nature of an unreal
life, even as he lives it. He now realizes that the people expecting gain from
him do not actually exist, and that the deceptive beauty and attractions around
him in fact consist of illusions. There is therefore no point in his thirsting
for things that exist in this world or expending energy on any personal gains.
He lives in a passing, transitory world and knows that his true life will begin
after this one.

The writer Remez Sasson has this to

It is like a movie show.
A person watching a movie gets so involved with the characters and with what
happens on the screen. He may become happy or sad with the heroes, gets
depressed, shouts or laughs. If at a particular moment he decides to stop
watching the screen and manages to withdraw his attention from the movie, he
gets snapped out of the illusion the movie creates. The projecting machine will
go on projecting images on the screen, but he knows that it is only light
projected through the film onto the screen. What is seen on the screen is not
real, but yet it is there. He may watch the movie, or he may decide to close his
eyes and ears and stop looking at the screen. Have you ever watched a movie,
when at some point the reel got stuck or there was a power failure? What happens
to you when you watch an interesting, absorbing film on the television and then
suddenly there are commercials? You are snapped out of the illusion to the world
around you.

When you are sleeping and dreaming, and someone wakes you up,
you feel thrown out of one world to a different one. It is the same in the life
we call reality. It is possible to wake up from

People who wake on the Day of
Resurrection are described in verses:

The Trumpet will be blown.
That is the Day of the Threat. Every self will come together with a driver and a
witness: “You were heedless of this, so We have stripped you of your covering,
and today your sight is sharp.” (Surah Qaf,

Remez Sasson, “Reality Versus Imagination and

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Beyond Probability

This discussion would be unprofitable if it did not lead us to appreciate the wisdom of our Creator, and the wondrous knowledge of the Author of the world, who in the beginning created the world out of nothing and set everything in number, measure and weight, and then in time and age of man formulated a science which reveals fresh wonders the more we study it. Hrovista of Gandersheim (980 AD)
All of us, at one time or another, have been compelled to contemplate creation. Questions such as the purpose of our lives and the existence of God, have been pondered upon from time immemorial. There have always been those who choose to interpret the harmony and order of the cosmos as a fluke of nature, but a closer look gives clear evidence of a design, and thus a designer. The discoveries being made on all frontiers are making this picture clearer by the day.
Most contemporary scientists are agnostics. If they profess a religious belief, they keep their science and their religion in totally separate compartments of their lives. The conventional scientific view considers mathematics as the foremost example of a field where reason is supreme, where emotions do not enter, where we know with certainty, and know that we know; where the truths of today are truths forever. This view considers religion, by contrast, a realm of pure belief unaffected by reason. Therefore, in the view of the scientist, all religions are equal because all have been equally incapable of verification or justification.
For any subject to be a proven fact, be it a law of physics or the Ten Commandments from the Torah, proof needs to be given. Proof basically means that a statement is true beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is validation and certification. It is the seal of authority, the mathematical power, the electric voltage, that vitalizes the static assertion about any subject. Proof is thus a celebration of the power of pure reason.
Proof is a procedure by which a proposition about the unseen reality can be established with finality by a process of deduction and conclusion, and thus be made acceptable by all. Since a mathematical question will have only one definite answer, then different mathematicians, using different methods, working in different centuries and places will arrive at the same answer. Thus a mathematicalproof is unaffected by time or space.
Galileo stated that mathematics is the language in which God wrote the universe. This is now a demonstrated fact. The universe expresses itself naturally in the language of mathematics. The force of gravity diminishes as the second power of distance, the planets move around the sun in ellipses, etc. Mathematics is thus a symbolic counterpart of the universe. It is the science of quantity and space, of pattern and structure. It is the methodology wherein hypothesis leads to conclusion.
Mathematics provides irrefutable proof about the subject under consideration. It forms the very structure of the world, containing truths that are valid forever. Mathematics forms an integral part of all sciences, for example, medicine, astronomy, physics, engineering, sociology and Psychology.
Mathematics is a science of the infinite. Its goal is the symbolic comprehension of the infinite with human, that is finite, means. It now elaborates a theology which declares the nature of God and the relationship of God and man.
This is the age of science and reason. It is impossible for an intelligent person to accept the existence of God or the divine origin of any religion on blind faith. We need proof from God Himself, and if He is really what He tells us He is, namely omniscient and omnipotent, He should be able to give us ample proof.
The only scripture which is still preserved in its entirety and in its original language is the Final Testament. It is a fact that the original Torah of the prophets of Israel is lost, and we do not have the Gospel of Jesus but that of his followers, nor do we have the original scriptures of the Hindus or the Buddhists. What we have now are the writings of humans who profess to know the original scripture.
The Final Testament was entered into the computer in the 1970's. A unique phenomenon was discovered which has never been found in any other book. Irrefutable evidence has since emerged that the original language of the revelation was written in a way which conforms to a complex mathematical pattern. As research has continued it has been found that every element of the book is mathematically composed -- the chapters, the verses, the words, the numbers of certain letters, the number and variety of divine names, the unique spelling of certain words, and many other elements. Because of this comprehensive mathematical coding, the slightest distortion of the Quran's text or physical arrangement is immediately exposed. The mathematical composition leaves no doubt as to its divine origin. Numbers do not lie. In this volume, Abdullah Arik has presented as complete a picture of this code as is possible at this point. New parameters continue to be discovered at a breath taking rate.
Mr. Arik is particularly well qualified for this task. His contributions to this research have been surpassed only by the man who originally discovered the code in the 1970's, Dr. Rashad Khalifa. Dr. Khalifa was prepared for the initial scientific research that led to the discovery of this code by his rigorous training as a PhD biochemist. Mr. Arik's background, as an engineering consultant in geostatistics, mining and computer applications, has given him the knowledge and scientific curiosity to objectively investigate the code further. His investigation, along with that of others, has yielded stunning results.
Mathematics, the science of the infinite, has thus unveiled one of the greatest miracles known to mankind thus providing the ultimate proof beyond a shadow of a doubt about the existence of the one God and His final message to humanity.
Shakira Karipineni, MD.
to download Click on link

Monday, September 6, 2010

Holy Quran and Biology

Quran has revealed absolute facts about Biology in its true perspective some 1400 years ago. This can be a fruit of thought for us

Surrah At-Taghâbun - MUTUAL DISILLUSION -No.64 -Verse:1

Everything in the heavens and on earth is actively fulfilling the designated programme of Allah Almighty the Almighty . He is the source of all power and Hamd; and accordingly He has devised measures (Laws) for everything over which He exercises full control (7:31-36; 14:1-2; 16:5-6; 18:7; 67:1-5). verse 1

Surrah An-Nahl - THE BEE - No.16 - Verse:68-70

And just look at the bee which instinctively makes its dwelling in the mountains and in the trees and in what human beings build. Then it collects pollen from various fruits and flowers and pursues assiduously the ways prescribed for it by Allah. From its belly comes a fluid of diverse hues (i.e. honey) which has health-giving properties. In this system followed by the bee their is message for those who think. verse 68-69Allah Almighty has created you and takes you to mature age where human faculties are fully developed. Thereafter some of you reach old age which is a feeble age when memory of things once known does not help you to recollect them. Allah Almighty has knowingly devised measures for all things (22/5). verse 70

Surrah Al-Qiyâmah - RESURRECTION - No.75 - Verse:37-39

He should bear in mind that he has passed through various stages of evolution to attain the human form. In the beginning he was a drop of semen which was dropped in the womb; verse 37Then in the mother's womb He formed it into an embryo that was suspended and by various combinations, and fashioned it into an excellently proportioned shape; (and) verse 38Due to its distinction into sexes, male and female were paired.verse 39

Surrah As­Sajdah - THE PROSTRATION - No.32 - Verse:7 - 8

For this purpose He has maintained an excellent balance in the creation of everything; and one of His schemes is the creation of man. (After the scheme was established in His Aalm-e-Amr) man’s creation was initiated from inorganic matter which before you, was lying lifeless in the form of clay. verse 7(Then this inorganic matter became mixed with water ~ 37:11 ~ and the first life cell appeared. As this process continued through various stages of evolution and reached a point where, from the cohabitation of a male and a female, man's progeny started through procreation.) verse 8

Surrah Yâ­Sîn - YA-SEEN - No.36 - Verse:78 - 79

He starts talking questioningly about Us and becomes oblivious to how he himself was created. He even denies Almighty ’s statement that you would be brought to life once again. He also questions who could give life to bones that have crumbled to dust. (37:16; 73:3)verse 78 Tell them that the Almighty Who created them for the first time will bring them back to life. He is fully aware and has full knowledge regarding all His creations (as regards the manner and stages through which His creations have to pass). verse 79

Sunday, September 5, 2010


All these constituents are obtainable at reasonable prices. The
cost of all these elements is not any higher than a hundred dollars according to
the New York Stock Exchange. Yes, a hundred dollars exactly is the basic price
of man. God created man out of a combination of elements that costs almost
nothing. The mystery does not lie in the material out of which man is made, but
in the Creator...

2- Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

1-The Prologue, 2


As it is explained in the sura The Believers, Verse 12, man was
created from a quintessence. God combined the elements contained in clay as a
result of fine calculations. These elements are harmoniously and proportionately
distributed in the body at birth; the body is programmed to make use of them in
due proportion and to dispose of any surplus. The human body contains about 2kg
calcium. If there is a decrease in this amount, the very act of biting into an
apple may cause our teeth to break. Our body needs 120gr of potassium. A
decrease of it may cause muscle cramps, fatigue, intestinal troubles, and
palpitations. We need only about 2gr to 3gr of zinc. Any lowering in these
values may cause loss of memory, impotence, decrease of the capability to act
and weakening of the senses of smell and taste. Insufficiency of selenium may
bring about the weakening of muscles, hardening of arteries and heart muscles...

All these data show that God, while making use of clay as raw material
for man, combined its constituents in ideal proportions. The Quran is exact in
its statements. Creating a living being such as man from such ordinary matter is
one of the manifestations of the omniscience of God. Careful combination in due
proportion of all the constituents of the human body demonstrates God’s
matchless design. The creation of man, a masterpiece, out of a matter of simple
aspect like clay, shows again the greatness of God.


30- ...and from water We made all living things. Will they

not believe even then?

21-The Prophets, 30

45- God created every moving creature from water...

24-The Light, 45

In the 54th verse of the sura The
Distinguisher, it is said that human beings are created from water, and in the
suras The Prophets and The Light it is said that all living beings are created
from water. Water is the basic biological element of living matter. Cells are
made of water in proportions varying between 60% to 80%. A cell whose basic
element is water is a living thing. Without water there is no life. Water is
composed of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms. Water, whose chemical
constituents have been arranged perfectly, is made of atoms devoid of organic
life and 99% vacuum. How is it that living beings and animals are created from
something of which 99% is void? How is it that an entity made of an inorganic
and inanimate matter comes to life?

24- He is God, the Creator,
the Maker, the Designer; to Him belong the most beautiful names. Whatever is in
the heavens and the earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the Wise.

59-Exodus, 24

2- Verily, We created the human
from a drop of a liquid mixture in order to try him. Thus We made him a hearer
and a seer.

76-The Human, 2

Analyses in
detail of organs and substances in the human body could be made with the
invention and development of the microscope. These analyses showed that semen is
composed of spermatozoa in their nutrient plasma, secretions from the prostate,
seminal vesicles and various other glands. Citric acid, prostaglandin, flavins,
ascorbic acid, fructose, phosphorylcoline, cholesterol, phospholipids,
fibrinolysin, zinc, acid phosphatase, and sperm are among the various
constituents of the semen.
Our body is one of the best, the most beautiful
and the most complicated of works. Thanks to it, we are able to see and hear, to
perpetuate our lineage; thanks to the skills of this body we can design and
build machines, computers, bridges and airplanes and do paintings, carve statues
and compose music. Our body is the product of one of the initial stages of
creation, that entailed the creation of all the constituents of the semen. This
was to be followed by the physiochemical processes involved in the union of the
male and female gametes to form the zygote, the fertilized ovum before cleavage.
The explanation of only the sperm cord or the prostate gland would take hundreds
of pages. Our Creator refers in His book to a “liquid mixture.” Our analysis of
this mixture and its constituents contributes to our increasing wonder at the
presence of the miraculous creation of our body.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


3- Not even an atom’s weight in the heavens and the earth, or something smaller or greater than it is hidden from Him, but all are in a clear record. 34-Sheba, 3 The atom is the smallest particle of matter. God drew attention to the existence of the atom, laying emphasis on the importance of its knowledge. A naked eye looking at a table, a carpet, a wall or a stone cannot fully grasp the importance of the atom and the knowledge it contains. While the Quran stresses the importance of the atom, it emphasizes also the subatomic particles, “Or something smaller or greater than.” In the expression “greater than” is comprised the knowledge of the greater compositions like molecules, the entirety of which is within God’s ken. Men contemporary with the Prophet could not possibly have known that in the atom and subatomic particles and their compounds different types of knowledge were comprised. The Quran asserts the omniscience of God. Drawing attention to the existence of the atom and the subatomic particles is relevant to the present day information that physics has discovered. The knowledge obtained today by means of cosmological physics studying the science of the origin and structure of the universe are interrelated with the data of atomic physics. Another miraculous sign of the Quran is its referring to the weight (miskale in Arabic) of the atom wherever the word “zerre” (atom) is mentioned.
FROM VAST TO SMALLEST MAGNITUDESImagine you are eating a pizza with great relish. What are its ingredients? Sausage, cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and flour. What are the constituents of these sausages, cheeses, mushrooms and tomatoes and what are the constituents of the constituents? This series of questions leads us to molecules. The molecules themselves are made up of atoms such as oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. Then come protons and electrons, together forming eventually the nucleus of the atom... The entire universe is made of matter or energy. From the trunk of a tree to its leaves, from the hands of a human being to his eyes, from golden ornaments to cotton dresses, everything is matter. The atom is the individual structure that constitutes the basic unit of any chemical element. The proton is an elementary particle that is the positively charged constituent of ordinary matter, and, like the neutron, is the building stone of atomic nuclei. The electron is an elementary particle that is the negatively charged constituent of ordinary matter. These are the recent discoveries of science that led us to the discovery of the television, computer, Internet, etc. Take, for instance, a grain of sand in the palm, which is assumed to be the simplest matter, and think of the quadrillion of atoms it contains; quadrillions of atoms you could not finish counting throughout the span of your lifetime. Imagine that each of these atoms has its electrons moving around the nuclei, like the planets making their rounds around the sun. A quadrillion solar systems contained within a grain of sand or piece of rock in your palm. An intelligent mind will readily conceive that there is nothing simple in the universe. Be it a pizza or a rock, suppose that you fancy recomposing them. To embark on such a huge project, you must go back to the very beginning, to the primeval explosion, and repeat the process. In this odyssey, you will run into atoms, cornerstones of the universe, entailing the existence of protons, electrons and neutrons; then you will be faced by the gaseous substance made of hydrogen and helium; these will be followed by stars and atoms produced in these stars which will one day be transformed into the mushrooms, cheese and tomatoes of our pizza. In order to really make a pizza, we need to create the entire universe with all the stages it had. The more you delve into the study of the atom the greater becomes your wonder. Suppose a penny on the table is the nucleus of an atom. The orbit that the electron would trace around it would be at a distance of 2-3 km. What is in between? The distance between the two, i.e., the nucleus and the electrons, is a vacuum. In other words, a piece of rock held in our hand contains in it quadrillions of solar systems, but 99.99% of it is a vacuum. Interesting, isn’t it? While we observed the fact that the universe was replete with orbits as described in the verse (51-The Dispersing, 7), we witnessed the infinitude of God’s power and magnitude. This divine power is demonstrated through more than one hundred million galaxies, more than a hundred million stars contained in each, countless planets and satellites and their quadrillions of devised orbits. A grain of sand, then, contains quadrillions of miniature replicas of the solar system where electrons dance around the nuclei of quadrillions of atoms. What should one deduce from this? To begin with, the incommensurable magnitude of our Creator’s power is also observed in the depth of matter. Endless vastness has been created from these particles. The motion of the atom is the same movement around the center of limitless magnitudes. The system in any given galaxy and the one forming a particle of dust is the same system. The Author of that speck of dust is also the Author of the universe. All these phenomena point to the immensity of His power and to the order reigning in the universe, as well as to the fact that nothing is casual in His creation. The creation of the smallest and of the biggest is equal for Him. The creation of a point containing trillions of atoms and of immense space is equal for Him and difficulty is a notion not applicable for Him. There is no limit to His wisdom and power. 27- And if all the trees on earth were made into pens, and the ocean supplied the ink, augmented by seven more oceans, the words of God would not run out. God is indeed Almighty and Wise. 31-Luqmaan, 27
INFINITESIMAL CONTENTS OF ATOMSThe nucleus of the atom contains protons charged with positive electricity. These positive charges repel each other. The miracle of creation occurs when protons adhere to each other forming a single point. The power that confines the protons repelling each other and the neutrons within a single point is immense; it is called strong nuclear force. The elementary particles containing this force are referred to with the French epithet “gluons” meaning “sticky” (The immense destructive energy of the atomic bomb was obtained by the use of this force). God, who devised everything in the universe with mathematical precision, has also conceived this immense force with mathematical exactitude. This force adheres the mutually repelling protons to each other; had the power been weaker or stronger, the protons could disintegrate or it could cause the intrusion of protons and neutrons into each other. The atomic bomb demonstrated tragically the immense power of the atom. It also showed that one of the factors that contributed to our worldly existence is its intrinsic balance. Thanks to the welladjusted order reigning in this field, matter does not disintegrate all of a sudden, giving rise to noxious effects of radiation. Another important factor that contributes to the stability of the atom is the weak force inherent in it. This force is particularly important in establishing the balance of the nuclei that comprise an excessive number of neutrons and protons. Electromagnetic force is another factor contributing to the existence of atom. It is this force that brings about the attraction of oppositely charged particles and the repulsion of particles having like electric charges. This has made possible the coming together of the protons and electrons. However, this coming together has its limits. Electrons do not stick to the protons while they move at a breathtaking speed around the nucleus in their orbits. The repulsion of negatively charged electrons turning in succession, and the attraction of the electrons by the protons changes nothing. In this way, the electron does not stick to the proton that attracts it, nor is it moved away. The Creator of this system, of these electrons, deprived of consciousness, is undoubtedly the Creator of matter, atoms, electrons, etc. Let us make an experiment as conscious human beings. Imagine tying a rope around the waists of three or four people while others stand in the middle of the circle. Let those in the middle try to pull the tied people towards themselves while the outside people are circumnavigating the center, and let the people making the circle push each other and those in the center as well, resembling the movement within the nucleus of an atom. We certainly do not expect them to make thousands of rotations per second like an electron. Can reasonable human beings continue to imitate the motion of an atom for the length of one minute? And imagine for an instant that we venture to imitate the model of an atom with 3 or 4 orbits and that there are three or four rotations around the symbolic nucleus. In addition to this, suppose that sumo wrestlers representing the gluons with adhesive properties within the nucleus try to keep those pulling the rope while pushing each other at their places. What an awkward experience this would be! How have the protons and electrons been performing this feast over and over again endlessly for eons and eons with the quadrillions of atoms contained in a small rock? These atoms existing in the universe and in our bodies were produced long ago in supernovas. The calcium in our teeth, the carbon that our pizza contains, and the iron atoms in our body are products of stars of high temperatures. These raw materials of the universe are prepared in the laboratory of these stars before being transformed into pizzas, water, blood, flesh, teeth and eyes. This is not a story of an adventure taking place far away from us. Our hands, hair, eyes, our very food and the chair we sit on, everything is performing this process indiscriminately. Our Creator is perpetuating this process incessantly with His omnipotence and omniscience. All these movements of the atom and the energy inherent in it are what perpetuate our existence. 2- To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. No son has He begotten, nor has He a partner in His dominion. It is He who created all things, and ordered them in exact measure. 25-The Distinguisher, 2
WHAT ELSE?It is estimated that there are some 1080 particles in the universe. Add 80 zeros after 1 to have an idea of this magnitude. These particles function thanks to complex, ingeniously devised and balanced forces. So do the comets, supernovas and planets, a consequence of the harmonious interaction of these particles. What else must one bring forth to give an idea of the power and design lying behind all these? In this chapter, I tried to outline the structure of an atom and emphasize that it was extremely complex, perfect and ingeniously devised. Were we to push our exploration further, our wonder would be much greater. The emergence of elementary particles in the wake of the Big Bang is the result of an intelligent design. The heat at every instant during the explosion, the number of atomic particles, the forces involved in every stage and their intensities have been carefully planned. Any change in these values would be the end of existence, of galaxies and atoms, and would end up in chaos. The consequence of this primeval explosion was not chaos as might be expected, but a perfect harmony, the work of the Creator, governed by physical laws, a perfect order reigning among galaxies and atoms. Tiny units of split seconds had their function to perform in the creation of the universe. Had the particles and anti-particles been created in equal number, all of them would be destroyed when the temperature fell below one billion degrees, leaving behind nothing but radiation. The very fact of our existence is evidence to the contrary. The number of electrons had to be somewhat more than the number of positrons and the number of protons should exceed the number of anti-protons and the figure representing the neutrons should be superior to the number of anti-neutrons. Every particle had to come into being at a predetermined velocity, temperature and time sequence. The primeval explosion was designed in such a way that it was followed by an evolution that reflected the Creator’s ingenious artistry. We have touched on the structure of the atom and the formation of atomic particles after the primeval explosion. The more one delves into the mystery of creation the more one’s wonder and amazement increase. The actual magnificence of the atom, the creation of particles of the atom by an intelligent design and the transformation of the particles into atoms are beyond the grasp of the intellect. If 1080 particles, with mutually attracting and repulsing electricity charges, had not been transformed into atoms in a finely balanced manner, neither the human ego, nor the book we read, nor the earth we inhabit would exist. Whether we ascend to the heavens or descend to the microscopic depths, we encounter the same perfection and immensity of God’s work and design. 120- To God do belong the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that there is therein, and it is He who has power over all things. 5-The Feast, 120