Sunday, September 5, 2010


All these constituents are obtainable at reasonable prices. The
cost of all these elements is not any higher than a hundred dollars according to
the New York Stock Exchange. Yes, a hundred dollars exactly is the basic price
of man. God created man out of a combination of elements that costs almost
nothing. The mystery does not lie in the material out of which man is made, but
in the Creator...

2- Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.

1-The Prologue, 2


As it is explained in the sura The Believers, Verse 12, man was
created from a quintessence. God combined the elements contained in clay as a
result of fine calculations. These elements are harmoniously and proportionately
distributed in the body at birth; the body is programmed to make use of them in
due proportion and to dispose of any surplus. The human body contains about 2kg
calcium. If there is a decrease in this amount, the very act of biting into an
apple may cause our teeth to break. Our body needs 120gr of potassium. A
decrease of it may cause muscle cramps, fatigue, intestinal troubles, and
palpitations. We need only about 2gr to 3gr of zinc. Any lowering in these
values may cause loss of memory, impotence, decrease of the capability to act
and weakening of the senses of smell and taste. Insufficiency of selenium may
bring about the weakening of muscles, hardening of arteries and heart muscles...

All these data show that God, while making use of clay as raw material
for man, combined its constituents in ideal proportions. The Quran is exact in
its statements. Creating a living being such as man from such ordinary matter is
one of the manifestations of the omniscience of God. Careful combination in due
proportion of all the constituents of the human body demonstrates God’s
matchless design. The creation of man, a masterpiece, out of a matter of simple
aspect like clay, shows again the greatness of God.


30- ...and from water We made all living things. Will they

not believe even then?

21-The Prophets, 30

45- God created every moving creature from water...

24-The Light, 45

In the 54th verse of the sura The
Distinguisher, it is said that human beings are created from water, and in the
suras The Prophets and The Light it is said that all living beings are created
from water. Water is the basic biological element of living matter. Cells are
made of water in proportions varying between 60% to 80%. A cell whose basic
element is water is a living thing. Without water there is no life. Water is
composed of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms. Water, whose chemical
constituents have been arranged perfectly, is made of atoms devoid of organic
life and 99% vacuum. How is it that living beings and animals are created from
something of which 99% is void? How is it that an entity made of an inorganic
and inanimate matter comes to life?

24- He is God, the Creator,
the Maker, the Designer; to Him belong the most beautiful names. Whatever is in
the heavens and the earth glorifies Him. He is the Almighty, the Wise.

59-Exodus, 24

2- Verily, We created the human
from a drop of a liquid mixture in order to try him. Thus We made him a hearer
and a seer.

76-The Human, 2

Analyses in
detail of organs and substances in the human body could be made with the
invention and development of the microscope. These analyses showed that semen is
composed of spermatozoa in their nutrient plasma, secretions from the prostate,
seminal vesicles and various other glands. Citric acid, prostaglandin, flavins,
ascorbic acid, fructose, phosphorylcoline, cholesterol, phospholipids,
fibrinolysin, zinc, acid phosphatase, and sperm are among the various
constituents of the semen.
Our body is one of the best, the most beautiful
and the most complicated of works. Thanks to it, we are able to see and hear, to
perpetuate our lineage; thanks to the skills of this body we can design and
build machines, computers, bridges and airplanes and do paintings, carve statues
and compose music. Our body is the product of one of the initial stages of
creation, that entailed the creation of all the constituents of the semen. This
was to be followed by the physiochemical processes involved in the union of the
male and female gametes to form the zygote, the fertilized ovum before cleavage.
The explanation of only the sperm cord or the prostate gland would take hundreds
of pages. Our Creator refers in His book to a “liquid mixture.” Our analysis of
this mixture and its constituents contributes to our increasing wonder at the
presence of the miraculous creation of our body.